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Steegle - Google Sites & G Suite Experts

Embed from Shared Drives

Add files stored in Shared Drives to your Google Site

Note: Shared Drives are only available to Google Workspace Business and Enterprise customers.


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Insert from Shared Drives

  1. Open the Insert panel on the right

  2. Choose the From Drive option

  3. Choose Shared Drives and select the appropriate Shared Drive

  4. If you want to insert the Shared drive itself then use the Insert option on the blue bar at the bottom, otherwise navigate to the resource in the shared drive you wish to insert, select the resource (or resources) and then use the Insert button at the bottom of the right panel.

  5. Once inserted resize appropriately and move to where you want the resource on the page.


Shared Drives do not offer link sharing for the entire drive or any of the shared drive subfolders, but you can use link sharing on any file or Google Doc on the shared drive and you can enable link sharing for multiple items all at once.