Make an Email Address a Link - classic Google Sites
Many have asked how to make an email address a link (clickable) so website viewers can use it (click on it) to send you an email.
For new Google Sites select the text or image you want to be a link, use the link button and type or paste the email address.
Type the email address (or any text) you want to be the link (clickable) and select it (either click and drag your mouse or use the Shift and cursor keys on your keyboard).
Use the Link button on the toolbar to make the Create Link dialogue box appear.
Note: If the selected text is already an e-mail address, Google Sites will automatically create the mailto: link.
Use the Web Address link to enter a web address instead of choosing a page.
In the Link to this URL: box type mailto: immediately followed by (no space) the e-mail address you want to use - see screenshot
Use the OK button to complete and your linked email address will appear on the page.
Web Address on the Create Link Dialogue Box
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