Pre-deployment Testing

Can AppSheet Apps Be Tested Before Being Published?

Testing AppSheet Apps Before Publishing

AppSheet offers a robust platform for making and deploying mobile and web applications. You can use it without extensive coding knowledge. Testing the app is a critical part of app development. It ensures the app works on different devices and meets user expectations. This testing happens before the app goes live. Explore the detailed process of testing AppSheet apps before they go live.

Test Apps Using App Preview

The most straightforward method to test your AppSheet app is using the in-browser app preview. This feature provides a live version of your app that can be used on desktops in full-screen mode or in simulated mobile and tablet environments. 

You can test different user experiences by using the "Preview App as" field, which lets you view the app as a specific user. This is crucial for understanding different user interactions based on varying permissions and roles.

Key Considerations for App Testing

It's important to recognize how the app behaves in different environments:

Browser vs. Mobile

Apps may show cached local data on mobile devices for quicker loading, unlike in browsers where they sync data upon each session start.

Device-specific Features

Features like barcode scanning or NFC might not work in a browser but are operational on mobile devices.

Test Apps Using App Preview

Test the Install Link

Testing the install link is crucial before deploying your app completely. This process involves sending yourself the installation link and opening it on various devices to ensure the app installs and opens as expected. 

This step verifies that your app is accessible and functional on different platforms and devices.

Test the Install Link

AppSheet Testing Process

1. Check for Errors or Warnings

Start by running a deployment check within the AppSheet editor. This check helps identify any critical errors or warnings that could hinder the functionality of your app. 

Navigate through Manage > Deploy and select Deployment Check. Review the results and address any indicated issues.

2. Fix Errors and Update App Settings

If the deployment check lists errors, like mismatched data fields or incomplete setups, correct these in the app settings. This might involve adjusting data columns or updating app properties to ensure everything aligns with your app’s operational needs.

Check for Errors or Warnings

3. Deploy and Test the App

With errors fixed, move the app to a deployed state and conduct final testing. Use the Share option to send the app to your device or other testers. Ensure the app performs well across all intended devices and user scenarios. Adjust settings like syncing behaviors to match real-world usage.

Deploy and Test the App

4. Share and Monitor the App

Once testing is complete, share your app with the end users. Monitor how the app performs in a live environment and be ready to make quick adjustments as users begin to interact with your app.

5. Post-Deployment

Regularly monitor the app for any user issues after deployment and consistently apply fixes and improvements.

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