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Building your first or new Employee Intranet? Steegle can help!

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Learn About Intranets in Steegle Intranet Knowlegebase

Top Insights When Selecting  for  Your First Employee Intranet  including:

Keywords: New intranet, Intranet content, Google Sites Intranet

7 Minute Read By Oscar David, Team Steegle

A guide for naming an intranet to give you an idea on how to come up with a good intranet name. Getting everything right will help drive employee engagement and adoption. 

Keyword: tips in naming an intranet,  best intranet names, types of intranet names, examples of a good intranet name

6 Minute Read By Maria Gabrielle, Team Steegle

Are you still searching for intranet solutions to help meet your employees' needs? Check out the top intranet providers for 2022! 

Keywords: top intranet solutions, top intranet packages, best intranet solutions 2022

8 minute Read By Maria Gabrielle, Team Steegle

Not sure if you should be choosing Google Sites for Google Workspace for your new Internet? We list some top alternatives and consider the pros and cons

Keywords: intranet selection, intranet software,  intranet evaluation

4 Minute Read By Maria Gabrielle, Team Steegle

A successful intranet will help enhance employee collaboration and communication.  Discover the 8 must-have intranet features to encourage your employees to use your intranet on a daily basis!

Keywords: intranet features,  employee recognition, news,  employee calendar

4 Minute Read By Maria Gabrielle, Team Steegle

Company culture refers to shared values, practices, attitude, and goals. A strong culture in a company is vital to promote trust, productivity, and company growth. 

Keywords: company culture, improve culture,

5 Minute Read By Maria Gabrielle, Team Steegle

Recognitions help motivate and increase productivity among employees. It also helps companies reinforce their culture, mission, and goals. If you still don't have an employee recognition system,  discover the reasons why you should! 

Keywords: employee recognition, appreciation,

3 Minute Read By Maria Gabrielle, Team Steegle

A successful intranet should be able to support mobile users, especially those who are working remotely, travelling for business, or those who don’t use desktop computers all the time. 

Keywords: mobile-friendly intranet, why build mobile-friendly intranet

5 Minute Read By Maria Gabrielle, Team Steegle

Managing a new intranet can be overwhelming at first. Our expert advice will help you in properly planning , managing, and launching your new intranet.

Keywords: managing intranet, intranet content,  boost adoption rate

4 Minute Read By Maria Gabrielle, Team Steegle

When crisis situations arise, you intranet can help you in many ways. From sending out important alerts to providing assistance to ensure the safety and well-being of your employees, an intranet will be your first line of defense! 

Keywords: crisis, managing crisis, how to use intranet to manage crisis

5 Minute Read By Maria Gabrielle, Team Steegle

Are you planning on creating an org chart but don't know where to start?  Learn the basic fundamentals of an org chart by reading this article!

Keywords: org chart, faqs org charts. organizational charts

3 Minute Read By Maria Gabrielle, Team Steegle

If you're planning to launch or revamp your intranet, choosing a provider is just part of the first step. You should also focus on your intranet's features to will help increase employee adoption.

Keywords: new intranet, choosing an intranet provider

5 Minute Read By Maria Gabrielle, Team Steegle

Are you thinking of building a modern intranet for your school or university?  An intranet for education is more than just organizing your school's vital data and documents. It also helps meet the student's needs at the most convenient way.

Keywords: school intranet, benefits of intranet for education, college intranet

4 Minute Read By Maria Gabrielle, Team Steegle

A Healthcare intranet helps expedite patient care process. It allows staff to safely access documents and patient information in a centralized location. Discsover the benefits of a healthcare intranet with us!

Keywords: healthcare intranet, hospital, clinic

3 Minute Read By Maria Gabrielle, Team Steegle

Having a private and secured network for your company is vital. This private platform allows your employees to access internal and external data, enables collaboration, and increases productivity. Want to learn more about intranets? 

Keywords: what is intranet, importance of an intranet

4 Minute Read By Maria Gabrielle, Team Steegle

Congratulations on your new intranet! Are you running out of ideas on how to creatively introduce your intranet? We complied awesome tips to help you launch your intranet.

Keywords: what is intranet, importance of an intranet

4 Minute Read By Maria Gabrielle, Team Steegle

Affinity groups promotes inclusion and diversity. If you're looking to build affinity groups in your workplace, here's a good way to start!

Keywords: affinity groups, building affinity groups

3 Minute Read By Maria Gabrielle, Team Steegle

A healthcare intranet makes it easier for your staff to access documents, forms, and patient records. Get to know the how it can also improve patient care.

Keywords: healthcare intranet

2 Minute Read By Maria Gabrielle, Team Steegle

Building a healthcare intranet? Here are 5 features it must have!

Keywords: healthcare intranet

2 Minute Read By Maria Gabrielle, Team Steegle

Most of us are familiar with internet and how it works. But, not all are familiar with an intranet and some people assume they mean the same thing. Let's get to know the differences!

Keywords: internet vs intranet

3 Minute Read By Maria Gabrielle, Team Steegle

Most of us are familiar with internet and how it works. But, not all are familiar with an intranet and some people assume they mean the same thing. Let's get to know the differences!

Keywords: internet vs intranet

4 Minute Read By Maria Gabrielle, Team Steegle

Most of us are familiar with the internet and how it works. But, not all are familiar with an intranet and some people assume they mean the same thing. Let's get to know the differences!

Keywords: internet vs intranet

3 Minute Read By Maria Gabrielle, Team Steegle

An intranet helps improve internal communication between the franchisor and franchisee. It can also be a centralized location for important resources.

Keywords: franchise intranet

3 Minute Read By Maria Gabrielle, Team Steegle

Having affinity groups in the workplace have a positive impact to both the employees and the company. Get to know some of the benefits of affinity groups and how it can improve employee performance.

Keywords: affinity groups

3 Minute Read By Maria Gabrielle, Team Steegle

It's important for remote employees to have access to the company's files and documents through an intranet. Not all intranets can be accessed outside the office. The question is, can a Google Sites intranet support a hybrid work set-up?

Keywords: hybrid work setup, google sites

4 Minute Read By Maria Gabrielle, Team Steegle

The basic engineering and construction work begins in the office. This includes budgeting, designing, organizing, and collaboration. Experts in multiple disciplines also need to work together to achieve similar goals. This requires access to the same information.

Keywords: intranet for engineering companies, intranet for construction companies

3 Minute Read By Maria Gabrielle, Team Steegle

The total cost of an intranet depends on many factors such as the size of your organization and the features you want your intranet to have. Want to know the other factors that affect the cost of an intranet? 

Keywords: intranet cost

3 Minute Read By Maria Gabrielle, Team Steegle

A good way to show diversity and inclusion in your organization is by using your intranet. An intranet like Steegle.One supports diversity and inclusion by building affinity groups, creating surveys, and many more.

Keywords: diversity, inclusion

3 Minute Read By Maria Gabrielle, Team Steegle

Know the types of content that highly contributes to your intranet’s success, drive efficiency, and improve employee intranet adaption.

Keywords: intranet content, types of content

4 Minute Read By Maria Gabrielle, Team Steegle

An intranet helps your company save money while keeping your employees productive. 

Keywords: intranet employee effectiveness

3 Minute Read By Maria Gabrielle, Team Steegle

Just by looking at it, the scope of a modern intranet is beyond the responsibilities of one team or department. Therefore, the overall ownership is uncertain as an intranet evolves over time and becomes more of a digital workspace. 

Keywords: who owns the intranet. which department owns intranet

5 Minute Read By Maria Gabrielle, Team Steegle

Do you want to improve employee engagement or the processes in the company? Setting up a suggestion box, whether virtually or physically, is a good idea.

Keywords: employee suggestion, suggestion box

3 Minute Read By Maria Gabrielle, Team Steegle

Many businesses are still having trouble answering this question. 

Let’s explore each one and discuss why you might want to consider one over the other.

Keywords: Google Sites vs Microsoft sharepoin intranet

4 Minute Read By Maria Gabrielle, Team Steegle

 When it comes to the success of your intranet, the HR department plays a big role in it.  Let's find out how the HR department benefits from the it more than the other departments.

Keywords: Google Sites vs Microsoft sharepoin intranet, HR department 

3 Minute Read By Maria Gabrielle, Team Steegle

an HRIS system is only used for HR-related needs and nothing else. Since the increase of flexible and remote working setups, maintaining excellent employee engagement has become a challenge. And because of the private nature of HRIS, most commentators do not think it is a great tool for internal communication. 

Keywords: Google Sites vs Microsoft sharepoin intranet, HR department , Human resource information system, HRIS, EXP

4 Minute Read By Maria Gabrielle, Team Steegle

There are lots of benefits of implementing an employee recognition program including employee retention, boosting employee morale, and improving employee performance.

Keywords: empployee recognition, intranet, employee experience platform, EXP

4 Minute Read By Maria Gabrielle, Team Steegle

The length of an intranet project depends on different factors such as the scope of the project, mode of deployment, amount of content, and many other factors that we will also mention in this article. No two projects are the same and the needs of each organisation vary. 

Keywords: intranet, employee experience platform, EXP

4 Minute Read By Maria Gabrielle, Team Steegle

 warm and sincere welcome message on your intranet will leave a long-lasting good impression on new employees. This aspect is often neglected by most companies, but new employees often rely on it to learn about the company culture and dynamics. But, how do you write an engaging welcome message? Where do you start?

Keywords: intranet, employee experience platform, EXP,  welcome messages for intranet

4 Minute Read By Maria Gabrielle, Team Steegle

The mental health of your employees may affect their productivity, focus, and performance—which can negatively affect your company. Positive mental health in the workplace is important because it allows your employees to cope with challenges and setbacks both at home and in the workplace.

Keywords: intranet, employee experience platform, EXP,  employee wellbeing, happiness in the workplace

6 Minute Read By Maria Gabrielle, Team Steegle

You and your team have already done all the research about implementing your new intranet. Now, all you have to do is communicate with vendors. But, how do you go about that? First of all, you need an intranet strategy and a strong Request for Proposal or RFP. 

Keywords: intranet, employee experience platform, EXP, intranet RFP

5 Minute Read By Maria Gabrielle, Team Steegle

There are three types of intranet for education—it can be for students, teachers, and parents.

Educational institutions embrace and put importance on digital communication. Nowadays, the internet can be used by students to complete assignments, communicate with fellow students and teachers, and have access to important information.

Keywords: intranet, employee experience platform, EXP, intranet for education, school intranet, parent portal

4 Minute Read By Maria Gabrielle, Team Steegle

With the increasing numbers of organisations that are transitioning to remote and hybrid working environments, it is essential for employees to have a user-friendly, efficient and effective intranet solution.

There are two types of intranets—the cloud-based intranet and the on-premise intranet.

Keywords: intranet, employee experience platform, EXP, cloud-based intranet, on-premise intranet

4 Minute Read By Maria Gabrielle, Team Steegle

Employees rely on the company intranet for company information. Knowing which HR content your employees need will boost intranet adoption.

Keywords: intranet, employee experience platform, EXP, HR content on intranet

3 Minute Read By Maria Gabrielle, Team Steegle

Discover the six most common reasons why employees may be avoiding or disengaging from your company's intranet. From poor user experience to outdated content, this article outlines key areas to address in order to increase adoption and usage of your organization's intranet platform.

Keywords: intranet, employee experience platform, EXP, why no one uses your intranet, intranet failure reasons

3 Minute Read By Maria Gabrielle, Team Steegle

A modern intranet or employee experience platform gives retail businesses the agility to meet their needs and the challenges that may come. Nowadays, technology is paving the way for a more immersive online experience that drives the business model and product innovation.

Keywords: intranet, employee experience platform, EXP, Intranet for retail business

4 Minute Read By Maria Gabrielle, Team Steegle

 One of the most affected industries during the pandemic is fashion. According to McKinsey’s State of Fashion 2021, about 45% of fashion executives experienced their biggest challenge and 30% saw that switching to the digital world is the biggest opportunity to stay in business. 

Keywords: intranet, employee experience platform, EXP, Intranet for fashion business

4 Minute Read By Maria Gabrielle, Team Steegle

 One of the most affected industries during the pandemic is fashion. According to McKinsey’s State of Fashion 2021, about 45% of fashion executives experienced their biggest challenge and 30% saw that switching to the digital world is the biggest opportunity to stay in business. 

Keywords: intranet, employee experience platform, EXP,  whistleblowing, workplace whistleblowing

4 Minute Read By Maria Gabrielle, Team Steegle

Employee engagement platforms have been around for years, but the employee experience platform is a whole new concept and was introduced by Josh Bersin in 2019. He defined the EXP as “a company-wide initiative to help employees stay productive, healthy, engaged, and on track.”

Launching an employee experience platform (EXP) or intranet helps improve the overall experience of your employees without replacing or changing their current working set-up. 

Keywords: intranet, employee experience platform, EXP

4 Minute Read By Maria Gabrielle, Team Steegle

Unlock the Secret to Employee Retention: Discover How an Intranet Can Help Keep Your Top Talent from Walking Out the Door!

Take a deep dive into the role of an intranet in retaining talented employees and explores how this powerful tool can improve employee satisfaction, increase collaboration, and streamline internal communications to help keep your best and brightest employees engaged and committed to your company's success. 

Keywords: intranet, employee experience platform, EXP, retaining talents

4 Minute Read By Maria Gabrielle, Team Steegle

This informative article explores the many benefits of having an intranet for your accounting business, including increased efficiency, improved collaboration, enhanced data security, and much more. 

Discover how an intranet can revolutionize your business operations, and help you stay ahead of the competition in today's fast-paced market. Whether you're a small accounting firm or a large corporation, this article is a must-read for anyone looking to take their business to the next level. 

Keywords: intranet, employee experience platform, EXP, accounting business intranet

3 Minute Read By Maria Gabrielle, Team Steegle

Discover how intranet surveys can provide valuable feedback on company culture, work processes, and more. Learn how to effectively design and implement intranet surveys to gather valuable insights from your employees and drive positive change within your organization. 

Whether you're just starting to explore the use of intranet surveys or you're looking to improve your current process, this article is a must-read for anyone looking to boost employee engagement and satisfaction. 

Keywords: intranet, employee experience platform, EXP, intranet surveys, employee feedback

4 Minute Read By Maria Gabrielle, Team Steegle

Discover how an intranet can streamline communication and increase collaboration between departments, improving the overall success rate of change management initiatives. 

Explore the many benefits of using an intranet for change management communication, including improved transparency, increased efficiency, and enhanced employee engagement. 

Keywords: intranet, employee experience platform, EXP, improve internal and change management communication

3 Minute Read By Maria Gabrielle, Team Steegle

This article provides a comprehensive guide to asking the right questions during an intranet demo call. 

Discover the key areas to focus on, including functionality, customization options, security features, and more. Learn how to assess the capabilities and benefits of different intranet solutions, and make informed decisions about which one is right for your organization. 

Keywords: intranet, employee experience platform, EXP, intranet demo call

3 Minute Read By Maria Gabrielle, Team Steegle

Get an in-depth understanding of how a virtual data room can improve your data management, increase collaboration, and enhance the security of sensitive information. 

Learn about the must-have features such as document management, access controls, and real-time analytics to ensure you choose the best virtual data room solution for your organization. 

Keywords: intranet, employee experience platform, EXP, virtual data room

4 Minute Read By Maria Gabrielle, Team Steegle

Explore the different channels of communication and learn how to effectively reach your employees through email, intranet, and in-person meetings. 

Discover the importance of open and transparent communication and find out how to foster a culture of trust and collaboration. 

Keywords: intranet, employee experience platform, EXP, employee communication guide

4 Minute Read By Maria Gabrielle, Team Steegle

Explore the impact of remote work, lack of face-to-face interaction, and communication barriers on employee morale and engagement. 

Learn how to overcome these challenges through innovative solutions such as virtual communication platforms, remote training programs, and other strategies. 

Keywords: intranet, employee experience platform, EXP, remote employees, challenges of remote employees

4 Minute Read By Maria Gabrielle, Team Steegle

Learn about the six components of a winning communication plan, including clear goals, target audience definition, channel selection, content creation, implementation, and evaluation. 

Discover how to craft a strategy that effectively reaches and engages your target audience, and find out how to measure the success of your communication efforts. 

Keywords: intranet, employee experience platform, EXP, successful communication strategy, components of communication strategy

4 Minute Read By Maria Gabrielle, Team Steegle

Stay ahead of the curve with a comprehensive look at the latest tools and technologies for internal and external communication. Explore the benefits of virtual meeting platforms, project management software, employee engagement apps, and more. 

Learn how to select the right tools for your organization and get tips for using them effectively to improve collaboration, productivity, and overall communication success. 

Keywords: intranet, employee experience platform, EXP, must-have communication tools for 2023, communication tools, slack, SMS, email management tool

3 Minute Read By Maria Gabrielle, Team Steegle

Employee engagement is the key to unlocking the full potential of your workforce and achieving success in today's competitive business landscape. 

But how can you ensure your employees feel invested and motivated to give their best every day? 

So, if you're ready to take your employee engagement to the next level, read on to learn how to do it! 

Keywords: intranet, employee experience platform, EXP, employee engagement, steps to improve employee engangement

3 Minute Read By Maria Gabrielle, Team Steegle

Are you looking to take your company's performance to the next level? The solution might be closer than you think. 

Research has shown that engaged employees are more productive, more loyal, and more likely to stay with a company long-term. 

 Don't miss out on the chance to learn about the critical importance of employee engagement! 

Keywords: intranet, employee experience platform, EXP, employee engagement importance, employee engagement

3 Minute Read By Maria Gabrielle, Team Steegle

Employee engagement is the key to unlocking the full potential of your workforce and achieving success in today's competitive business landscape. 

But how can you ensure your employees feel invested and motivated to give their best every day? 

Discover five actionable steps that you can start implementing today to enhance employee engagement in your organization.  

Keywords: intranet, employee experience platform, EXP, must-have communication tools for 2023, communication tools, slack, SMS, email management tool

3 Minute Read By Maria Gabrielle, Team Steegle

Implementing peer-to-peer recognition in the workplace can have a positive impact on employee morale and overall team dynamics. 

Here are 12 good practices to consider for effective peer-to-peer recognition programs.

Keywords: intranet, employee experience platform, EXP, must-have communication tools for 2023, communication tools, slack, SMS, email management tool

3 Minute Read By Maria Gabrielle, Team Steegle

Implementing peer-to-peer recognition in the workplace can have a positive impact on employee morale and overall team dynamics. 

Here are 12 good practices to consider for effective peer-to-peer recognition programs.

Keywords: peer-to-peer recognition, best practices, employee engagement, intranet, EXP

3 Minute Read By Maria Gabrielle, Team Steegle

Creating and managing useful content on your intranet is crucial for effective communication and collaboration within your organization. Learn how to generate valuable content that engages and informs employees on your intranet platform.

Keywords: intranet content, managing intranet content, effective collaboration, effective communication

3 Minute Read By Maria Gabrielle, Team Steegle

Learn how to create a powerful HR portal using Google Sites, and discover the benefits it can bring to your organization. This comprehensive guide will help you build an effective and user-friendly intranet platform.

Keywords: hr portal, google sites, intranet, EXP

3 Minute Read By Maria Gabrielle, Team Steegle

Remote employees have unique needs that must be addressed to ensure their success and productivity. This comprehensive guide covers everything from the right technology tools to effective communication strategies and work-life balance tips.

Keywords: remote employees, needs of remote workers, remote worker productivity

3 Minute Read By Maria Gabrielle, Team Steegle

Make your virtual team celebrations fun and memorable with these creative ideas. From online game nights to virtual parties, discover ways to celebrate and bond with your team, even when working remotely.

Keywords: remote employees, virtual celebration ideas, virtual team, remote team celebration ideas

3 Minute Read By Maria Gabrielle, Team Steegle

Creating an employee well-being section on your intranet can have a positive impact on your organization. Discover 7 top tips in creating an effective and engaging employee well-being section for your intranet.

Keywords: employee well-being, intranet mental health support, mental health, intranet, Steegle.One

3 Minute Read By Maria Gabrielle, Team Steegle