Tyrian Intranet homepage template. This intranet is useful for large organisations aiming to centralise their internal communication.

How does it work?

Tyrian Purple Intranet

Intranet DIY Template

Need customisation?

We can provide additional customisation and enhancements like pictures and icons according to your branding requirements. Contact us for further information.

Template Screenshots

Teams page template on Tyrian Intranet. This page helps to store the information about the company employees according to their department and respective shared files for the team staff.


Locations page template on Tyrian Intranet. This page covers all the global or local offices of the company. Helping employees to quickly search the information, map and contact deatils of their offices.


About tempalte on Tyrian Intranet template. This page helps to share information about the company intro, mission, vision and values.


Media page on Tyrian Intranet template helps to share information about the company events, pictures, videos or any other news related to the company.


Training page template includes training docs and videos


News page tempalte covers news and events of the company.


Tyrian Purple Intranet IB02

A Seamless, Secure, and Engaging Intranet Experience

Elevate your company's internal communication and resource management with the Tyrian Purple Intranet, a comprehensive and customizable template that harnesses the robust infrastructure of Google Sites.

Intranet DIY Template:

Ready-to-use with the flexibility to modify design elements and content to fit your brand identity.

Enhance Your Intranet with Steegle's Expertise:

With the Tyrian Purple Intranet, you're not just purchasing a template; you're investing in a dynamic digital workspace that evolves with your business.

#FreeHostingForever, #GoogleSecurity, #ScalableIntranet, #CustomizableIntranet, #SteegleCustomization, #IntranetTraining, #SteegleOneTools, #EmployeeEngagement, #UserEase, #GoogleSitesTemplate

Polices and resources files are saved under the policy page.


Social page to embed facebook, twitter and instagram updates under one common place.


Helpdesk page will help users to find the contacts details.


Projects elists all details about the project teams, people working over the project and project files.


Faqs includes all the frequently asked questions well sorted as per the departments or sections.


Launchpad lists all the basic and thirdpart apps, quicklinks and thirdparty service links.

