Steegle People Screenshots

Screenshots of Steegle People for Google Workspace search results, user profiles and automatic organizational charts at the most frequently-used screen sizes.

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UK ✆  +44 (207) 871 5021

Org Chart Software developed by a Google Cloud Partner

Full-HD Screen Resolution | Steegle People for Google Workspace

Celebrate your coworkers work anniversaries and birthdays in Steegle People for G Suite Org Charts and Directory

Upcoming Events - Full-HD - Steegle People for Google Workspace

Steegle People search results and gallery view at full-HD resolution

Search Results - Full-HD - Steegle People for Google Workspace

User Profile and Cover Photo - Full-HD - Steegle People

Personal organization chart of the user's direct colleagues (360 view) - Steegle People for Google Workspace Org Charts and Directory

User Profile Org Chart - Full-HD - Steegle People

All reports organization chart of the user's reports - Steegle People for Google Workspace Org Charts and Directory

All Reports Org Chart - Full-HD - Steegle People

Full Org Chart - Full-HD - Steegle People

Mobile | Steegle People for Google Workspace

How the Steegle People for Google Workspace Directory search results look at mobile screen resolution

Search Results - Mobile - Steegle People for Google Workspace

How the Steegle People for Google Workspace Directory user profile looks at mobile screen resolution

User Profile - Mobile - Steegle People for Google Workspace

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Laptop | Steegle People for Google Workspace

How the Steegle People for Google Workspace Directory search results look at laptop screen resolution

Gallery - Laptop - Steegle People for Google Workspace

How the Steegle People for Google Workspace Directory user profile and org chart look at laptop screen resolution

User Profile and Org Chart - Laptop - Steegle People  

Tablet Screen Resolution | Steegle People for Google Workspace

How the Steegle People for Google Workspace Directory search results look at tablet resolution

Search Results - Tablet - Steegle People for Google Workspace

How the Steegle People for Google Workspace Directory user profile and org chart look at tablet resolution

User Profile and Org Chart - Tablet - Steegle People for Google Workspace