Discover the

Benefits of Affinity Groups at Work

Find out how affinity groups and employee resource groups can contribute to the company's success!

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Introduction to Affinity Groups

Affinity groups or employee resource groups (ERGs) are made of employees with similar interests, backgrounds, or goals. Affinity groups have a powerful impact in the workplace and help promote the company’s diversity. In general, these groups are often about gender, sexual orientation, disability, race, national region, and veteran status. The most common examples of affinity groups are working parents, LGBT, and any other groups that are based on common goals or interests. 

Although private employers are not required to have affinity groups, many employers support and recognize these groups because of the benefits they provide such as professional development, recruitment, and employee retention. 

Typical member of the Working Parents Group

Benefits of Having Affinity Groups

1. New Employees Feel Welcome

Affinity groups help improve the training or onboarding processes for new employees. Promoting diversity within the company also helps new hires "fit in" and feel comfortable. 

Studies show that the first 90 days of employment are crucial for new employees and recognizing these groups will make it less challenging for them to adjust.

2. Employee Retention

Recent studies have shown that affinity groups play a huge role in retention efforts by reducing turnover costs. The average cost of replacing a worker is about $15,000. A larger company can spend approximately $600,000 to $2.6 million per year on turnover and replacement costs.

Having affinity groups makes employees more engaged, happy, and productive. Thus, improving the employee retention rate.

3. Prevents Discrimination Within the Workplace

Even today, discrimination is rampant in our society. And the workplace is no exception. As much as possible, employers are constantly seeking ways to prevent discrimination. One effective way is to build affinity groups.

Affinity groups help employers identify and fill gaps to prevent discrimination against color, race, ethnicity, age, gender preference, national origin, or medical history. 

4. Promotes Socialization and Friendship

Having affinity groups in the workplace is just one way to help employees interact with their co-workers. A good relationship within the workplace improves productivity.

5. Creates Synergy

When employees build connections based on common interests, backgrounds, or characteristics, this bolsters collaboration and communication which makes your employees more effective and productive.

Sample List of Affinity Groups

Affinity Groups in Steegle.One Intranet

The Steegle.One intranet from Steegle allows affinity groups to be created automatically, allowing end-users to add and subscribe themselves. 


Q: What are affinity groups in the workplace?

A: Affinity groups, also known as employee resource groups (ERGs), consist of employees sharing similar interests, backgrounds, or goals, like gender, sexual orientation, race, or veteran status.

Q: Why are affinity groups important for new employees?

A: They improve onboarding, making new hires feel welcome and comfortable, which is crucial in the first 90 days of employment.

Q: How do affinity groups impact employee retention?

A: By making employees feel engaged and valued, affinity groups reduce turnover costs, which are significant for companies.

Q: Can affinity groups help prevent workplace discrimination?

A: Yes, they assist employers in identifying and addressing discrimination based on race, ethnicity, gender, and more.

Q: What role do affinity groups play in promoting socialization and productivity?

A: They foster friendships and connections based on common interests or backgrounds, enhancing collaboration and overall productivity.

Q: What types of affinity groups are common in workplaces?

A: Common groups include those for working parents, LGBT employees, various ethnic and religious groups, women in leadership, and young employees, among others.

Q: How does support affinity groups in organizations?

A: offers intranet solutions like Steegle.One that enable the automatic creation of affinity groups, allowing employees to easily join and participate.

Q: Why are both terms 'affinity groups' and 'ERGs' used?

A: 'Affinity groups' and 'Employee Resource Groups (ERGs)' are used interchangeably. ERG is a more formal term, emphasizing their role as resources for both employees and the organization.

Q: What are some innovative types of affinity groups being formed today?

A: Recent trends include groups focused on mental health, remote workers, sustainability, and cross-cultural communication. These reflect evolving workplace dynamics and diverse employee needs.

Q: How do affinity groups align with overall business strategy?

A: They align with business goals by fostering an inclusive culture, which can lead to higher employee satisfaction and better decision-making through diverse perspectives.

Q: Are affinity groups beneficial in remote or hybrid work models?

A: Yes, in remote or hybrid settings, these groups provide a sense of community and belonging, helping bridge the physical distance between employees.

Q: How do affinity groups contribute to employee development?

A: They offer networking, mentorship, and skill-building opportunities, aiding in professional and personal development.

Q: Can affinity groups influence organizational policies?

A: Yes, by providing feedback and insights on employee experiences, they can shape policies and practices that are more inclusive and equitable.

Q: Do affinity groups help in attracting diverse talent?

A: Absolutely, they showcase the company's commitment to diversity and inclusion, making it more attractive to a wide range of job seekers.

Article by Maria Gabrielle

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