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Intranet Surveys: Getting Feedback from Your Employees
Do you want to know if your company intranet is effective and relevant?
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Introduction - why bother with surveys?
An intranet survey helps an organization get valuable feedback or opinions from their employees about the strengths and weaknesses of their intranet, projects, and other relevant issues within the organization.
Modern intranet solutions have the ability to create surveys that can be displayed on any page of your intranet. Intranet surveys can be true or false, open-ended questions, or multiple-choice questions.
How Do Intranet Surveys Help Your Organization?
Employees Get Involved in Key Decisions
If you are planning a project or considering changes to the business, it’s important to involve employees in the decision-making process. For example, if you’re considering changing your organization's tagline or logo, you can send out surveys to know what your employees think. Who knows, maybe you’ll get brilliant ideas too!
Keeps Remote Employees Engaged
Most often, remote employees find it difficult to voice their opinions or needs. An intranet survey helps organizations to encourage and boost the productivity of remote employees.
If you’re wondering how a survey can help your remote employees, here are some questions you can ask on the survey:
What technology or tools do you need to make your work faster and more efficient?
Have you been able to stick to your work schedule?
Does working remotely help you achieve a good work-life balance?
Feedback About Your Company Intranet
Conducting a survey about your company intranet helps you understand what your employees find most useful, what makes them frustrated, or why they use it or not. Hearing the opinions of the people who directly use the intranet is the best way to evaluate which areas need improvement. It also helps you gauge the strengths and weaknesses of your intranet.
You don’t need to get feedback on every feature and tools on your intranet, rather focus on the employee experience and how it impacts their work.
Here are the main factors that you should focus on:
How Does Intranet Surveys Help Your Organization?
Keep It Short
Your employees have something else to do and they shouldn’t spend too much time answering surveys. A productive survey may include 10 questions or less. It’s also a good idea to add open-ended questions to know the thoughts of your employees.
Inform Employees
Surprising employees with surveys is never a good idea. It’s better to inform employees beforehand about your plans on conducting surveys and for what purpose. Then, let them know when the survey is going live, how long it will be on your intranet, and when you will announce the results.
Use Consistent Rating Scale for Main Questions
For core questions, you should only use a consistent rating scale. You can either use a four or five-point scale. Your survey format can also offer options for: strongly agree, agree, neutral, disagree, and strongly disagree.
Why is Employee Feedback Important?
Listening to your employees’ opinions and feedback makes them feel more empowered to do their best at work. Moreover, employee feedback contributes to positive engagement and boosts employee performance.
An Intranet survey can be a useful tool in collecting feedback about employee satisfaction, company culture, engagement levels, and working environment.
Example of an Intranet Survey
Get your free set of questions to inspire employee platform survey for your own company
Example Questions for your Intranet Usage Survey
Example Questions for your Intranet Usage Survey as a Google Form
How frequently do you access the Company Intranet?
Please rate the following statements.
I have a good understanding of what is on the Steegle.One Intranet.
I can quickly/easily get information on the Steegle.One Intranet.
The Steegle.One Intranet menu helps me find the information I need.
The Steegle.One Intranet search function helps me find the information I need.
Content on the Steegle.One Intranet is accurate.
Content on the Steegle.One Intranet is up to date.
Content on the Steegle.One Intranet is useful and relevant.
Please select one answer.
What is the most common way to find out about what is happening in the organization?
What is your preferred way to find out about what is happening in the organization?
Please Rate Each Department Page
Main Page
Main Page - Add Your Comments
Accounting - Add Your Comments
Have comments or suggestions about the Steegle.One Intranet? Please leave it here:
More example questions for your intranet survey
See below
How often do you use the Steegle.One for Google Sites Intranet platform? (1-5 scale)
How easy is it for you to find the information you need on the Intranet? (1-5 scale)
How satisfied are you with the overall design and layout of the Intranet? (1-5 scale)
Are there any specific features or tools of Steegle.One for Google Sites that you would like to see added to the Intranet? (free text response)
How effective do you feel the current training in teaching you how to use Steegle.One for Google Sites Intranet? (1-5 scale)
Have you experienced any technical issues while using the Steegle.One for Google Sites Intranet? If so, please describe them. (free text response)
How would you rate the speed of the Steegle.One for Google Sites Intranet? (1-5 scale)
How easy is it to search for documents and files on the Steegle.One for Google Sites Intranet? (1-5 scale)
Are there any specific departments or teams that you feel could benefit from improved exposure (department pages) on the intranet? (free text response)
How does the Steegle.One for Google Sites Intranet platform compare to previous intranet platforms you have used in the past? (free text response)
Are there any features or tools that you feel are missing from Steegle.One for Google Sites Intranet? (free text response)
How easy is it to navigate through different sections and pages on Steegle.One for Google Sites Intranet? (1-5 scale)
Have you noticed an increase in productivity since using the Steegle.One for Google Sites Intranet platform? (1-5 scale)
Are there any specific types of content or information that you would like to see more of on the Steegle.One for Google Sites Intranet? (free text response)
Are there any improvements or changes you would recommend for the Steegle.One for Google Sites Intranet? (free text response)
Is you own people profile been updated (Yes/No)
Have you found anything fun about other coworkers (Free text)
Have you found searching for other people's profiles useful? (1-5 scale)
by Maria Gabrielle
Looking for a customized intranet solution for your organization?
Since 2008, we here at have been delivering intranet development solutions and ongoing support and maintenance for organizations including hospitals and medical institutions. As a certified Google Cloud Partner, we specialize in Google Workspace based solutions. Give us a call at US ✆ +1 (302) 672 3007 UK ✆ +44 (207) 871 502 or contact us today to view a demo of our intranet solutions, and see how it can help increase employee productivity and save time and money. Click below to learn more about the Steegle.One Intranet solution.
Sales Hotlines
US ✆ +1 (302) 672 3007
UK ✆ +44 (207) 871 5021
UK ✆ +44 (207) 871 5021