How to

Name Your New Intranet with Examples

Building your first or new Employee Intranet? Steegle can help!

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Why Naming Your Intranet is Important for Employee Adoption

Before you launch your digital workspace, Employee Experience Platform (EXP), also known as an intranet, you should consider giving it a name that will be relevant to your company and culture in just a word or two. By choosing a relevant name, you will be able to optimize internet communication in your intranet and drive business and employee engagement and give a "fun" handle to your company knowledge management resource.

We understand that naming an intranet can seem daunting. That’s why, in this article, we will give you insights on how you can come up with a good intranet name.

Why You Need a Good Intranet Name

Your branding is an important aspect of a company or business and an intranet name is no exception. A good intranet name contributes to the success and accomplishments of your company. 

For instance, more than 80% of consumers prefer to purchase goods and services based on the company’s name. A brand name plays an important role in their growth, quality, and perception.

This also applies to your intranet name. It’s important to have an intranet name that will make your company stand out. Internal branding builds and strengthens trust. 

Some companies stick to common intranet names like “[Company Name] Hub”, which is not a bad thing. However, having a personalized intranet name comes with lots of benefits. 

The real question is, where do you start? How can you come up with a good intranet name?

The Nielsen Norman Group philosophy suggests that the name of your company intranet and its logo should be considered key elements when naming and identifying your intranet.

Improves Internal Communication and Collaboration

Employees will have access to communication tools such as instant messaging, email, video, and voice calls. This will help speed up their communication with colleagues to relay vital information.

Increases Productivity

An intranet has all the tools and information your employees need. It will reduce the time needed to look for certain information and send emails. Giving your employees everything they need in one platform improves their disposition.

Easier to Find Employees

Are you having a hard time manually looking up your employees’ information? With an intranet, you can easily search for employees and you will be able to see their full name, job title, department, and other personal information.

4 Common Types of Intranet Portal Names

Product or Industry-Oriented Names

While most companies use their mission and vision to be known by their customers, why not translate your product or service into something as powerful?

For example, if you’re selling cars, think of a name or branding that will be dynamic and represent your product or industry. If you’re in the insurance industry, find a name that easily translates to security and trust because you want your customers to feel that when they avail your services.

People-Focused Names

Who are your employees? What are their interests? 

This type of intranet branding is more of a social approach to fit the lifestyle of your employees. Getting inspiration from your employees is a creative way to come up with a name that matches their motivation and energy.  e.g.

Objectives-Oriented Names

What is the purpose of your intranet? How will your employees use it?

Those are just some of the questions to answer when you're naming your intranet based on your objectives. e.g.:

Internally-Oriented Names

What is your company’s nature? Does your company hold a strong value and culture?

Your company’s values can be an integral part of your branding name. Choosing an intranet name that represents your industry, goals, and employees is a good way to start!

Tips on Naming an Intranet

Although your intranet is different from your external brand, there should be a connection between the two. To kick start your naming process, consider the following tips on how to choose the best intranet name for your company.

Use an Acronym

To keep an intranet name simple yet catchy, some companies use acronyms. You can also pick a name using your company’s initials.

Use Company Symbols

If your company has logos or icons, you can use them to come up with good intranet branding. This way, it also reflects your company culture, goals, and objectives

Keep It Simple

Your intranet portal will be used by your employees every day. Long and complicated names can be confusing and hard to remember. Keep it at a minimum of two words. Just keep everything simple, easy to spell, and remember. It should also be catchy.

It Should Be Multicultural 

Are you operating in a multinational corporation? 

Another vital element to consider is the internationalization level of your company. You may need to take into consideration the language and cultural differences. Make sure that your intranet name is easy to pronounce in all languages. 

Get Your Employees Involved

Brainstorm with your employees. Having your employees involved in naming your intranet can be exciting! You can organize naming contests then have them answer a poll to vote their choices. But, make sure to give your employees some guidelines first to avoid unusual name suggestions. 

By involving your employees, you will be able to gather great ideas as a team and finish the naming process quicker.

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Use an Intranet Business Name Generator

 If you want a wide variety of options, you can try using an intranet name generator. These are free websites wherein you will input your company name and a list of acceptable names will appear. However, when using name generators, you might get generic names.

Avoid "Too Techy" Names

Well, techy names are cool at first. Avoid using names such as “Intranet PP2D”, “Intranet 3.0”, etc. These kind intranet names can cause decline in platform usage and adoption rate.

Company Values

You can use your company’s internal value or tagline as an inspiration too. If your company has popular slogans or taglines, use it to your advantage! Integrating internal values creates a more unified working environment. Using your values will establish brand identity.

Play With Your Company Name

Consider your company’s name and try to morph it into an intranet name. Popular brands such as Adidas call their intranet “Adiweb”. Similarly, Pfizer calls their intranet “PfizerWorld”.

Business names can be used to derive an Intranet name. E.g. Inlanta Inlantranet

One of our great clients is called Inlanta. They named their Inlantranet.

Mascot or Character

A fun way to make your employees remember your intranet name is by creating a character or mascot that represents the employee experience. You can also have an intranet named after someone important from your company like the founder.

For example, at Steegle we have clients naming their intranet after animals like Meerkat, Tiger, or Lynx. This has the subtle advantage of allowing you to get an icon for your Intranet platform.

Real Examples of Intranet Names

Product or industry orientated

Internally orientated

People focused

Objective orientated

Promoting Your Newly Launched Intranet

Have you found the perfect name for your intranet? Congratulations! Now, let's make sure everyone in the organization knows about it and is excited to jump on board. Here are some practical tips for promoting your new intranet:

1. Make a Creative Announcement

Start with a bang! Send out a company-wide announcement revealing the new intranet name. Keep it short, sweet, and intriguing to pique everyone's interest. Include a brief explanation of why the chosen name is a great fit for your company.

2. Visual Teasers Work Wonders

Use eye-catching visuals to tease the new intranet. Consider creating posters, banners, or digital graphics that showcase the name along with a sneak peek of what the intranet has to offer. Humans are visual creatures, and a bit of excitement goes a long way.

3. Launch Countdown

Build anticipation with a countdown to the intranet launch. Whether it's through daily email reminders, posters around the office, or announcements in team meetings, a countdown creates a sense of excitement and urgency.

company employees celebrating newly launched intranet

4. Employee Involvement and Recognition

Recognize the creative minds behind the chosen name. Feature the employees who contributed to the naming process in your communications. This not only acknowledges their efforts but also fosters a sense of ownership and pride among the workforce.

5. Training and Familiarization Sessions

Host training sessions to familiarize employees with the intranet's features. This is especially important for those who might be less tech-savvy. A comfortable and confident user is more likely to embrace the new platform wholeheartedly.

6. Intranet Launch Event

Consider organizing a launch event or virtual celebration to mark the official introduction of the intranet. This can include brief presentations, demos, and even fun activities to engage employees and make the launch memorable.

7. Feedback Channels

Create channels for feedback and questions regarding the new intranet. This not only encourages engagement but also provides valuable insights into how users are adapting. Address concerns promptly to ensure a positive experience for everyone.

8. Recognition and Rewards

Implement a recognition or rewards system for employees who actively contribute, engage, or demonstrate innovative uses of the intranet. Positive reinforcement encourages ongoing participation and boosts morale.

9. Regular Updates and Highlights

Keep the momentum going by regularly updating the organization on intranet highlights, success stories, and any new features. 

This helps in sustaining interest and reinforcing the value of the platform.

10. Encourage Word of Mouth

Word of mouth is a powerful tool. Encourage employees to share their positive experiences with the intranet. This organic promotion can be just as influential as official communications.

FAQs about Naming an Intranet

Why is choosing the right name for an intranet important?

The name of your intranet sets the tone for the platform and can influence how employees perceive and engage with it. A well-chosen name can enhance user adoption and create a sense of unity among your team.

How do I involve employees in the naming process?

Consider conducting surveys or brainstorming sessions to gather input from employees. Encourage creativity and involvement to ensure the name resonates with the majority of the workforce.

Should the intranet name reflect our company's culture?

Yes, aligning the intranet name with your company's values, mission, or culture can strengthen the sense of identity and make the platform more relatable for employees.

How can I ensure the chosen name is unique within our organization?

Check with other departments or teams to avoid duplication. A unique name will help distinguish your intranet and prevent confusion with other internal systems.

Can I use humor in naming our intranet?

Yes, humor can be effective if it aligns with your company culture. However, be mindful that it should not be at the expense of inclusivity or professionalism.

What if employees don't like the chosen name?

If possible, involve employees in the decision-making process to reduce the likelihood of dissatisfaction. If feedback is received post-launch, consider evaluating whether a change is necessary based on the concerns raised.

Should the intranet name be related to its functionality?

While it's not mandatory, having a name that subtly reflects the purpose or benefits of the intranet can enhance clarity and understanding among users.

Can I change the intranet name after it's launched?

Yes, it's possible, but it should be approached carefully. A name change should be accompanied by clear communication, and efforts should be made to address any concerns or confusion among users.

How can I promote the chosen intranet name within the organization?

Launch a communication campaign to introduce the name, explaining the rationale behind it. Utilize internal channels such as email, newsletters, and company meetings to create awareness and excitement around the new intranet name.

Looking for a customized intranet solution for your Organisation on Google Workspace Technology?

Since 2008, we here at  have been delivering intranet development solutions and ongoing support and maintenance for organizations including hospitals and medical institutions. As a certified Google Cloud Partner, we specialize in Google Workspace based solutions.  Give us a call at US ✆  +1 (302) 672 3007    UK ✆  +44 (207) 871 502 or contact us today to view a demo of our intranet solutions, and see how it can help increase employee productivity and save time and money.  Click below to learn more about the Steegle.One Intranet solution.

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