
What is Mixternal Communications?

By adopting a mixternal communication approach, organizations can improve their overall communication effectiveness, build stronger relationships with stakeholders, and enhance their reputation and brand image

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What is Mixternal Communications?

Mixternal communications, a term coined by public relations expert Gini Dietrich, refers to the process of integrating external and internal communications within an organization. The aim is to create a cohesive and consistent message across all communication channels. Mixternal communication also involves collaboration and coordination between different departments, including marketing, PR, HR, and sales.

Mixternal communication is an essential component of any organization's communication strategy. 

By integrating internal and external communications, companies can build a more engaged workforce, foster stronger relationships with customers and partners, and improve their overall brand reputation.

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Benefis of Mixternal Communications

Mixternal communications can deliver a wide range of benefits to organizations that adopt this approach. Some of the key advantages of mixternal communications include:

Two coworkers shaking hands

Mixternal communications encourage collaboration and coordination between different departments within an organization. This can lead to better decision-making and a more cohesive message across all communication channels. When teams work together more effectively, they are better equipped to solve problems, innovate, and achieve their goals.

2. Improved Employee Engagement

By integrating internal and external communications, companies can create a sense of purpose and foster a positive company culture. When employees feel like they are part of a larger vision, they are more likely to be engaged and motivated. This can lead to higher employee retention rates, increased productivity, and better customer service. 

3. Enhanced Brand Reputation

Mixternal communications can help companies build a more positive brand reputation. By communicating consistently and transparently with customers, partners, and employees, organizations can establish trust and credibility. This can lead to increased customer loyalty, stronger partnerships, and a more favorable public image.

4. Improved Customer Relationships

Mixternal communications can provide a better customer experience. By integrating internal and external communications, companies can ensure that customers receive consistent and reliable information across all touchpoints. This can lead to increased customer loyalty, higher customer retention rates, and ultimately, increased revenue. 

5. Increased Agility and Flexibility

Mixternal communications allow organizations to be more agile and flexible in their communication strategies. By breaking down silos and embracing a more collaborative approach, companies can respond more quickly to changes in the market, adapt to new technologies, and stay ahead of the competition.

Implimenting Mixternal Communications

Implementing mixternal communications can be a complex process, but it is essential for any organization that wants to build a strong and cohesive communication strategy. Here are some steps to consider when implementing mixternal communications:

Once you have defined your communication objectives, develop a communication plan that outlines the key messages, channels, and tactics you will use to communicate with your stakeholders. Your communication plan should be comprehensive and include both internal and external communication channels.

2. Define your communication objectives

Start by identifying your communication objectives and goals. What message do you want to communicate, and to whom? It's important to have a clear understanding of your target audience and the key messages you want to convey to them. This will help you to develop a more focused and effective communication strategy.

3. Create a content strategy

Develop a content strategy that includes both internal and external communication channels. This can include blogs, social media, email marketing, and PR. Your content strategy should be aligned with your communication plan and target audience.

4. Integrate your communication channels

Ensure that your internal and external communication channels are integrated and aligned. This will help to create a consistent and cohesive message across all channels. For example, your employees should be aware of your external communication efforts, and your external messaging should align with your internal messaging.

5. Measure and analyze

Measure the success of your communication strategy regularly and analyze the results. This will help you to refine your strategy over time and improve your communication efforts. Key performance indicators (KPIs) such as website traffic, social media engagement, and employee feedback can help you to track your progress and make data-driven decisions.

6. Monitor feedback and adjust

Always monitor feedback, both from internal and external stakeholders and adjust your strategy accordingly. This will help you to stay agile and adapt to changing circumstances.

Is an Intranet an Important Part of a Mixternal Communications Plan?

When it comes to communication in the workplace, it's important to have a plan that addresses both internal and external communication channels. An intranet is a private network that is accessible only to an organization's employees, and it can be a valuable tool for internal communication. But is it an important part of a mixternal communications plan?

The short answer is yes. An intranet can be an important part of a company's overall communications plan, particularly for internal communications. An effective intranet can improve internal communication, streamline business processes, and increase collaboration among employees. It can also provide a centralized platform for employees to access important documents, policies, and procedures, which can help to ensure consistency and accuracy across the organization.


Implementing mixternal communications can be a complex process, but by following these steps, you can build a more effective and cohesive communication strategy. By aligning your internal and external communication efforts, you can improve collaboration, employee engagement, brand reputation, customer relationships, and overall business success. 

mixternal communications have become increasingly important in today's fast-paced and interconnected business world. By integrating internal and external communication channels, companies can create a more cohesive and effective communication strategy that benefits both their employees and customers.

Implementing mixternal communications requires careful planning, a comprehensive communication plan, and a content strategy that aligns with your communication objectives. It is also important to integrate your communication channels and measure your success regularly, adjusting your strategy based on feedback and data.

The benefits of mixternal communications are significant and can have a positive impact on employee engagement, brand reputation, and customer relationships. 

By communicating transparently and consistently with stakeholders, companies can establish trust and credibility, ultimately leading to increased revenue and business success.

However, it's important to note that implementing mixternal communications can be a complex process that requires ongoing monitoring and adjustments. It's crucial to stay agile and adapt to changing circumstances, while also prioritizing clear and effective communication.

Colleagues having a discussion

Article by Maria Gabrielle

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